Thoughts on mindfulness to explore
Self-compassion .. a powerful act
One of the reasons I find mindfulness practice so accessible is because of the underlying gentleness and kindness in its teachings.
Clearing the fog
Our lives are full of stimuli, distractions, deadlines etc .. taking time off, to allow the mind to rest and recover, is vital for our health.
Paying attention .. seeing choices
Mindfulness practice helps develop the skill of paying attention to such direct experience .. seeing things just as they are.
Struggling to start a regular meditation practice
Have you perhaps signed-up for a gym-membership and not been able to commit to the schedule you had set out for yourself? Does this kind of struggle sound familiar?
Choosing to press ‘pause’
Do you ever feel like there is so much going on and your mind is unable to settle? Pressing the 'pause' button helps you gain back control again.
A recipe for a more resilient human race
.. I’ve learnt to become the non-judgemental observer of my thoughts and feelings, and not a victim of their presence.
Reversing roles at the dental practice
.. by breaking this autopilot, we start distinguishing what is real experience vs. our own thoughts or judgements, and can start navigating our daily lives with a fresh, open and less reactive attitude.
Being conscious of new habits
It became apparent to me last weekend how quickly new habits ingrain themselves in our brains.
‘Between stimulus and response there is a space..
“ .. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”
— Viktor Frankl
Mindful breaks for kindness towards self and others
We are often too busy or too absent to take a break - to truly relax, away from the events of our days.
‘How we relate to the present creates the future’
We spend a lot of time reflecting on the past or worrying about the future, and sometimes we forget to live & respond to the present moment.
Settling unease in Covid times
Covid times have not been easy for most of us, feelings of unease may accompany us during daytime and perhaps also at night.