Thoughts on mindfulness to explore
The power of intentions in the face of change
Practising mindfulness has helped me become more intentional about how I organise my day .. bringing me both direction and a sense of lightness and ease
Mindfulness: What I have discovered
I’d been in constant striving mode .. repeatedly looking for an external source of fulfilment .. the grass always seemed greener elsewhere. This striving pattern was accompanied by feelings of restlessness simmering in the background ...
Emotions: Embracing being human
Our ability to embrace all emotions (even the unpleasant ones) with awareness and gentle care has been shown to be the most supportive for our wellbeing and resilience.
Mindfulness: it’s not what you think it is
Mindfulness offers us a gateway to clearly see, befriend our human experience, and make skilful choices that support our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us ..
Mindfulness: what is the big deal?
You do not have to have any symptoms to adopt mindfulness in your life. In fact, the earlier you start with your training, the more it will serve you ..
Tips for beginning your meditation journey
Dedicating time every day to pause and ‘do nothing’ is a challenge in its own right. So, you’ve got your own mind to battle with, as it attempts to lure you into doing something more ‘productive’ ..
Create a life you love
Mindfulness helps us gain clarity of thought patterns that can drive unhelpful behaviour. In other words, what you tell yourself in that very moment when you put something off ..
From reaction to response
Our brain treats any kind of negative trigger as perceived threat, and orchestrates a complex automatic physiological process - the fight-flight-freeze response - sometimes even just in the background, without our knowing ..
When life throws unexpected things at you
Not only did mindfulness bring more contentment into my daily life, but it has also strengthened my resilience to cope with change and uncertainty. I now know that I have a choice in how I can respond in any given situation ..
‘Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives’
Many who start off their journey with mindfulness perceive the practice as a self-regulating tool .. a parachute to help soften the knocks of life. Yet over time, when practiced regularly, mindfulness becomes a way of life ..
‘Life is like the sky .. everything else, it’s just the weather’
Change of any sort, will naturally affect us .. but we can train ourselves to not get caught up in over-worrying, obsessing about things, or getting stuck in a negative thinking loop ..
‘The little moments .. they aren’t little’
We all want to be happy and have a sense of ease in our lives .. yet, it is our human nature to experience distress .. and often it can hit us real hard!