Thoughts on mindfulness to explore
Dissolving the fog
Do you ever get the sense that there is too much noise around .. too many voices in the head .. a sense of being constantly switched on, with too little time for yourself?
End of year reflections
As the end of the year approaches, taking time to reflect on the experiences of the past year ..
A taste of mindfulness
Research has shown again and again how supportive mindfulness is towards nurturing a sense of inner calm and balance. The practice has become so wide-spread in recent times ..
Present or lost in thought?
.. we can train our minds to become more aware of our inner landscape .. when certain thoughts are present, what emotions they trigger and how they are affecting us. We can learn to deal more skilfully with these experiences, and yes.. mindfulness practice can help us do just that.
Sharing the stillness
It is often hard to establish a regular meditation practice .. to a point that it becomes as routined as brushing our teeth. One typically doesn't ask: should I brush my teeth today, or should I not?
Tower of windows
A running theme in the MBSR curriculum relates to how our perception shapes our experience. With which lens we CHOOSE to look at a situation will determine how we experience it.
‘What you resist persists’
When emotions are not acknowledged, they tend to leave their mark in the body. This is because emotions are evolutionary signals that are designed to carry a message, to prompt us to take action.
‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said ..’
“ … people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.
- Maya Angelou
Paying attention to the good things
We often forget to pay attention to the good things happening in our lives. This is primarily due to the negativity bias in our brain. Science tells us that we need to apply five times the effort to take in positive experiences ..
The Body Scan
People who first encounter the Body Scan practice, often give this foundational practice very different reviews ..