Building inner resilience for a constantly changing world

  • Classic 8-week mindfulness courses

    • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

    • Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L)

    Advanced mindfulness programmes

    Silent Days

    Wellbeing workshops

    Coaching offering for adults & teens

    Weekly meditation sessions

Learning to feel happier, reduce stress and skilfully navigate challenges in daily life >> finding fulfillment, meaning and purpose

Offering a range of evidence-based training programmes to begin & sustain your journey with mindfulness

  • Offering mindfulness training & coaching

    Curating programmes to meet specific needs

    Workplace themes

    • Managing stress & building resilience

    • Improving focus & productivity

    • Cultivating a positive mindset

    • Mindful communication & conflict resolution

Transforming the workplace >> boosting productivity through wellbeing & resilience

Offering a range of science-backed mindfulness training interventions - especially tailored to people's needs at work

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