Choosing to press ‘pause’
Do you ever feel like there is so much going on and your mind is unable to settle?
Pressing the 'pause' button helps you gain back control again.
We often don’t allow ourselves to take these breaks, as there is always this and that to be done!
In mindfulness practice, when we consciously choose to pause and meet our experience just how it is, for example: thoughts related to a long to-do list, the urgency to solve & fix things, sensing tension in the body, feeling anxiety about getting the work done on time etc ...
This pause prompts us to attend to what is most important in the moment. Perhaps our own well-being ..
When we get stuck in this hamster wheel, we tend to forget that we are likely to be more effective at tackling our tasks, after we have allowed our body to relax and our thoughts to settle.
The clarity of mind that results, allows you to revisit your intentions and take a different perspective .. perhaps in the form of reprioritising your tasks.
Try to make that conscious pause, the next time you feel overwhelmed ..